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Low Milk Supply: The Truth and What to Do About It
Breastfeeding is a complex system, and many factors must be accounted for when concerns of milk supply arise. Although the prevalence of low milk supply is unknown, low supply or the perception of low supply, influences approximately 25-73% of mothers to cease breastfeeding early. Low milk supply is defined as producing an amount of breast
low milk supply
Your PT Can’t Do Your Exercises For You
If you’ve been to physical therapy, you likely got a home exercise program. Research says that if you do your home exercise program, you’ll have a significantly better chance of meeting your goals and feeling better. Not doing your program increases the risk of recurrent injury or flare-ups with less positive outcomes long term. Even
your PT can't do your exercises
Sleep for Kids: Get Your ZZZZS
Does your child struggle with sleep? Approximately 50% of children have difficulty with it, and difficulties in this area are more prevalent in children with chronic illness or sensory processing disorders. Chronic symptoms, such as asthma or arthritis, cause wakefulness which further worsens symptoms. Sleep difficulties can impact many areas of childhood, including academics, play, self-care,
What is Diaphragmatic Breathing? Why is it Important?
Diaphragmatic breathing is essentially deep breathing. Regularly performing diaphragmatic breathing builds awareness of the deep core and calms the body, biasing it towards the parasympathetic nervous system, aka the “rest and digest” branch. It can be one of our first defenses to managing pain. It’s the link between our conscious minds and our body’s automatic
diaphragmatic breathing
Physical Therapy can Help Kids Too
When you think of physical therapy, you might think of an injured athlete, someone recovering from surgery, or someone with a chronic medical problem. However, we’re here to let you know that physical therapy can help kids, too! Physical therapists are trained to work with patients of any age. At MOSAIC, we have some that
physical therapy can help kids
A Sensory Friendly 4th of July
The 4th of July is a day most people celebrate with parties full of family and friends, and of course fireworks. However, if you’re a veteran, have a child with sensory processing difficulties, or even a pet, Independence Day might not be quite the celebration everyone else thinks it is. Crowded parties, hot weather, loud