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Does Your Baby Have a Flat Head?
Your baby has a flat head. What do you do? More and more babies are getting referred to physical therapy. There are two main types of flat heads. Brachycephaly is when the back of the head is flat, causing the head to be wider than it is long. Plagiocephaly is when one side of the
W Sitting: Why Do Therapists Care ?
W sitting is the opposite of sitting cross-legged or crisscross applesauce sitting. In a W sit, a child’s bottom is on the floor with feet on either side of the hips and toes pointed out. W sitting is common in children, especially in children who in-toe or have low muscle tone, increased flexibility, or poor
w sitting
Speech Sound Development
It’s an exciting time when your child starts using words to communicate…but when do speech sound errors like “tar” for “car” go from cute and age appropriate, to areas of concern? Specific sounds and speech patterns develop at different times, improving how well a child is understood by their parents, peers, and caretakers. By 18
Tips to Prevent Falls During the Winter Months
Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older individuals. But you do not have to be advanced in years to be at risk of falling. Winter is an especially dangerous time in Montana with weather conditions producing snow, ice, and other hazards. However, there are steps you can take to prevent
Prevent Falls During Winter
Developmental Communication Milestone Series: 12 Months
What does communication at 12 months of age look like? At 12 months babies become active participants in their environments. They begin participating in familiar routines and social games adults play with them. They continue to learn language by hearing the same words/phrases paired with familiar activities, repetition of actions and words, having adults explain
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Peezing: verb Sneezing and peeing at the same time “I had no idea there was physical therapy for this!” This is one of the most common phrases I hear in my practice. Although it is gaining more exposure, many women still have not heard of pelvic floor physical therapy. A great deal of women I