Breastfeeding Support
MOSAIC is passionate about providing optimal care for mothers, babies, and families in the Gallatin Valley. Our certified lactation counselors strive to support the breastfeeding and lactation journey through evidence-based practice and dynamic, personable care. We recognize that every family’s experience is unique, and every baby’s needs require specific assessment and personalized support.
Our lactation consultants are backed by degrees in speech language pathology, with continuing education in oral facial interventions and best practices in early feeding. With continuous lactation and perinatal mental health training, you can feel confident that our SLP-CLC’s are here to support all your infant’s feeding needs.

Whether you are looking for help getting that perfect latch, reducing pain with breastfeeding, concerns with weight gain, or questions related to pumping or supply, we are here to work with you to meet your individual goals from pregnancy to weaning, and beyond.
Services provided:
Prenatal consultation and education
Learn what to expect in your breastfeeding journey, from birth to weaning. Our therapists will review your medical history, any questions or concerns you have, and help you prep for success. Breastfeeding can be intimidating, and we are here to break it down for you.
Initial assessments
From trouble latching, concerns about over or under supply, breast/nipple pain, history of mastitis or clogged ducts, questions about positioning or getting started pumping, we’re here to support you. Whether your baby is one day old, or 10 months old, we are here no matter where you’re at in your journey.

Unlimited follow up and counseling
Have a question after your assessment? Give us a call or send us an email – we are available for continued support regardless of how many days, weeks, or months have passed.
Oral restriction assessment, consultation and follow up care
Our therapists specialize in oral tie assessment, intervention planning, and follow up care. We can refer you for surgical release to many of our preferred providers in the Gallatin Valley, while working alongside your primary care physicians to support weight gain when needed.
It is very important to continue intervention after having a tongue or lip tie revised. We recommend making an appointment with an SLP-CLC before and immediately after any release procedures for support with healing and maintaining optimum oral motor function and training. Evaluation will be completed to assess for any continued treatment moving forward.

Weight checks
Feeling like you need a quick check in on the scale? Infant weight gain can be stressful, we understand! After we have seen you for an assessment, give us a call anytime and we are happy to get you on the schedule for a weight check.
Continued early feeding support:
- Introducing a bottle
- Help choosing the right bottle for your baby and situation
- Transitioning to solids
- Weaning from breastfeeding
- Introducing a cup or straw drinking
- Pumping plans
- Returning to work
- Something else? Reach out and one of our therapists can guide you in the right direction.