Parenting: How to Foster Supportive Parenting


Having raised 5 children and now watching my children and their journey of parenting, I can fully agree with the following statement. Being a parent is a beautiful and rewarding journey, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. As parents, it is our responsibility to create a nurturing and supportive environment for our young children to thrive in. Here are some key ways to be a supportive parent, encouraging the growth and development of our little ones as you go along the journey.

Parenting with Unconditional Love and Acceptance

One of the most important aspects of being a supportive parent is to love and accept your child unconditionally. Let them know that they are valued and cherished, regardless of their achievements or mistakes. The statement, “I love you, but did not like what you did,” can be used to let your child know you love them, even when they make mistakes. This will build a strong foundation of trust and self-worth, allowing them to feel safe and secure in their own skin. 

Foster open Communication

Encourage open and honest communication with your child from an early age. As your child grows so do their emotions. At an early age, help them identify simple feelings of being happy, sad, mad, and frustrated. Technology may be stealing communication away. Tablets and iPads are often used to make things better, or easier, so put phones away and turn off screens during family time. Mealtime is a perfect place to foster communication. It may be helpful to create a safe space where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions. Listen attentively, without judgment, and validate their feelings. This will help them develop strong communication skills and build a healthy emotional intelligence. 

Parenting with Structure and Boundaries

Children thrive in an environment that provides structure and clear boundaries. Establish consistent routines and rules, which will help them feel secure and understand what you expect of them. However, it is important to be flexible and adapt to their individual needs. Balancing structure with flexibility will allow them to develop their own sense of autonomy and decision-making skills. 

Nurture Their Interests and Talents

Support your child’s interests and talents by providing opportunities for them to explore and develop their skills. Encourage them to pursue their passions, whether it be through sports, extracurricular activities, hobbies, or creative outlets. This can be challenging if their passions are not anything you are familiar with, or even enjoy. By nurturing their interests, you are helping them build self-confidence and a sense of purpose. Be cautious of comparing a child to siblings or other peers, rather, focus on the uniqueness and special talents/gifts that you see in your child.

Be a Role Model

Children learn by observing their parents’ behavior. Be a positive role model by demonstrating kindness, empathy, and resilience. Growing up, I never heard my parent argue or fight. While this made for a peaceful home in that regard, it did not allow me to watch how parents handled conflict. When I, as parent myself, had my first marital fight, I fully thought that the marriage was headed straight for divorce. Show them how to handle challenges, disagreements, and setbacks with grace and determination. By modeling healthy behaviors and attitudes, you are setting them up for success in their own lives. 

Most important, remember being a supportive parent is a continuous journey of learning and growth. It requires patience, understanding, and a genuine commitment to your child’s well-being. Remember, you are their biggest cheerleader and advocate. So, embrace the joys and challenges of parenthood, and watch your child flourish into a confident, resilient, and compassionate individual. 

Check out Big Life Journal for more resources to help with parenting and your individual journey!