Road Trips

road trips

There is nothing more exciting than setting out on adventurous road trips with kids! Family vacations are the ultimate memory makers for both kids and parents. But let’s face it, long car trips with kids can be difficult.

I grew up with 2 sisters and some of my favorite childhood memories are from our road trips for camping adventures, visits to grandparents, and visiting national forests. Things were very different back then. I remember loading up the Ford Fairlane station wagon and sleeping on the floor of the backseat. If there were seat belts, they were not used. We would move about the backseat switching places and hanging halfway out the windows as we drove the 50 mile gravel road to our yearly camp site or to make every semi truck blow their horn. While I am sure my sisters and I drove our parents crazy, we kept ourselves entertained through singing, I spy, alphabet and other games, and pestering the daylights out of one another!

How to Survive a Family Road Trip

It never occurred to me how much stress and planning a long road trip with the kids could possibly be until I had a family of my own. What will they eat? How will you entertain them? Honestly, are we there yet? Will I survive, or better yet, will the kids survive??

Road trips require children to be safely buckled, a big challenge when you think of how kids are naturally movement driven! So many times, the solution is for kids to be handed an iPad or some type of device to keep them still and entertained. For sure there are times that, as a parent, this seems like the only way to save your sanity. So, the question is…how do you prepare and actually survive through a fun filled family road trip? Hopefully some of these hints will help!

Planning for Road trips

Firstly, planning ahead is crucial. As with any large task, the secret to success is a bunch of smaller tasks, done well. Consider the time length of the journey and what the route looks like so you can plan breaks at interesting rest stops. Anticipate issues like boredom (here are some fun summer activities to prevent boredom at home), sickness, or family fights and have a plan of action so you aren’t caught off guard in the moment.

This one is no brainer, but can really help make the trip more enjoyable. Be sure to bring plenty of wipes and paper towels to clean up any messes. Keep a couple of plastic bags handy to store any trash. Have an ample supply of drinks with sealed lids and car-friendly snacks.

Be Flexible

I feel that flexibility may be one of the biggest things in having a successful road trip! First and foremost is to remember that Murphy’s Law is always in effect: whatever can go wrong, will. Relax and know that everything that happens on a road trip with kids is part of the journey. It’s ok to take an extra stop, to arrive a little late, or to add an extra day to your travel time. I am somewhat of an extreme organizer and will wind myself up before a road trip of any distance. I frequently need to remind myself that we do not have to be a tight schedule. One of best parts of a road trip is the freedom! 

I do admit that keeping kids entertained during road trips is a big challenge. Here are some activities that may help, and even add a touch of education (just don’t tell the kids!). Check out totschooling and the Road Trip Expert for some great activities for kids of all ages.  

As a parent of grown children, my biggest advice is to savor those road trips (the good and the maybe not so good)…they grow up in a blink of an eye. Make memories that will last a lifetime!