Running Quick Tips


running quick tipsRunning can be a great way to get outside and stay in shape! If you are new to running or if you do well with keeping up your weekly mileage, injuries may happen. These running quick tips can help.

Seven Running Quick Tips for Injury Prevention

#1 – The 10% rule

The number 1 way to prevent injuries in the research is to follow the 10% rule, which is: do not increase mileage or time running by more than 10% each week. For example, if you run 10 miles a week, it would be appropriate to run 11 miles the following week

#2 – Running form

Pay attention to how you position your body while you run. Grab someone to run with you to give you feedback! Stand tall, look forward, keep chest forward, shoulders back and down, lean forward, and keep arms compact.

#3 – Where to land

Research shows landing softly and landing on your midfoot is best. One mistake people may have is landing on their heel (which makes you over stride and have loud feet).

#4 – Cadence

To help get a better midfoot landing when running, pay attention to how much your feet hit the ground in a minute. You want to aim for 170 – 180 beats per minute. If you are below that range, slowly increase your cadence each time you run to eventually get up to 170 – 180 beats per minute.

#5 – Warm up and cool down

Make sure to spend 5-10 minutes warming up before a run, whether that be a brisk walk or movements to warm up your body. High marches, lunge walks, leg swings, skipping, butt kicks, and high knees are some examples. In addition, remember to cool down as well. Walking for a few minutes after a run and taking time to stretch is important.

#6 – Cross training and strengthening

Cross training is a great way to give your body some rest from running, especially if you are training for a race. This means doing a different type of cardio workout to keep up your cardiorespiratory endurance (biking, elliptical, rowing machine, etc.). Strengthening has been shown to be a great way to improve running economy. Hip, legs, and core strengthening are some muscle groups to focus on.

#7 – Shoes

Find a pair of shoes that feel good and have good stability! Brands I have personally tried and like are ASICS, Brooks, and Hokas. Replace shoes when they lose adequate support or cushion. Every 300 – 500 miles is a good rule of thumb.

Warning Signs of an Injury:

What pain is okay to have?

General muscle soreness or slight joint discomfort after a workout or the next day that is gone in 24 hours or slight stiffness at the beginning of a run or walk that goes away after the first 10 minutes is okay.

What pain is not okay?

Pain that keeps you awake at night, pain that starts at the beginning of a run/walk and becomes worse as you continue, or pain that changes your stride is not okay.

If these running quick tips did not prevent or decrease any overuse running injury, or if you want to learn more, call to make an appointment at MOSAIC.