The Many Benefits of Music
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Music is one of the most universal ways of expression and communication for people. It is present in our everyday lives, regardless of age or culture. Music is an enjoyable activity in its simplest form, but its influence goes well beyond simple amusement. Music has so many benefits. There have been numerous studies done supporting how music helps, from brain development to improving mental health.
It is not surprising that there are great benefits of music in child development. Parents use music to calm and sooth children, to express love, and to engage their children. It is so wonderful to know that by this simple act we are impacting our child’s development in so many ways!
The Many Benefits of Music
Studies have been done that show providing musical experiences during childhood can accelerate brain development, especially language and reading skills. Other studies have shown that learning to play an instrument can improve mathematical learning.
The benefits of music go well beyond that of helping academic achievement. Music stimulates basically all areas of child development! In early development, music helps children learn sounds and meaning of words. Dancing to music enhances motor skills and self-expression.
Infants recognize the melody of a song before they can understand the words. Quiet background music can help calm and sooth, while simple short songs can be sung about bathing, dressing, and other daily activities.
How to Incorporate Music
Toddlers are at a movement stage of development and language is erupting! Dance, dance, dance to all types of music. Songs with repetition will encourage language and help develop memory skills. Simple songs, like the cleanup song, can make transitions smoother. Be creative…your child will love it!
Preschoolers! They just love to sing and are so eager to let their everyone hear their voice. They are not self-conscious about their ability and burst with pride when you meet songs with clapping and cheering. Preschoolers typically gravitate towards songs that repeat words and melodies, use rhythms with a definite beat, and have them do things and follow directions. Finger plays are also favorites among this age group.
As children move into school age they begin to develop likes and dislikes of different types of music. Many children express interest in learning to play an instrument, join youth choirs, or simply enjoy putting on “performances” for their family.
There is really no downside of engaging children, of all ages, or adults for that matter, with music. These are only a few of the benefits of music and ways to incorporate music into children’s lives. Check out Empowered Parents for fun music activities for kids and to learn of other benefits that music has to offer.
There are so many things that provide enormous benefits for kids as they develop. Check out our previous Youth Sports blog to find learn about the many benefits that playing sports provides.