Why Does My Child Fall So Much?


Why does my child fall so much

Do you often ask yourself, “Why does my child fall so much?” Is it normal? Do you worry that your child is going to get hurt? There are many reasons why your child could be falling. Some are typical of a child’s development and others might require intervention to correct. The leading cause of hospitalization due to injury in the United States is falls. Therefore, it is totally normal for parents to worry about falls.

Why Do Kids Fall?

Kids fall for a number of reasons. Kids who are learning how to walk fall frequently. This is completely normal, and most importantly, necessary for kids to experience. Falling is part of a child learning how to balance and learning about where their body is at in space. External hazards, such as stairs and open windows, are another reason for falls. These falls can often be prevented. For ideas on how to prevent these types of falls at home, click here. Other common reasons for falls include poor attention, curiosity, impulse control, and risk taking behavior. There are also physical causes why kids fall, which can can be improved.

Common Physical Reasons Kids Fall

Weakness causes my child to fall.

Weakness in the core or lower extremities can lead to falls. It can make activities, such as landing a jump or climbing up and down stairs, difficult. Strength can be improved by using specific exercises and activities that target the area of weakness.

Poor balance causes my child to fall.

Kids with poor balance often fall frequently. There are two types of balance, static and dynamic. Static balance is the ability to hold the body in a fixed position. For instance, poor static balance can make it hard for kids to balance on 1 leg. Dynamic balance is the ability to maintain postural control while body parts are moving. For example, poor dynamic balance can make it hard for kids to walk or run on uneven surfaces.

Visual problems cause my child to fall.

Visual problems can lead to falls. Kids with poor visual acuity might have trouble seeing obstacles or changes in walking surfaces. Glasses can improve visual acuity, therefore, decreasing falls. Vision problems can also happen when the eyes don’t work well together. A trained professional can teach specific vision exercises to improve eye teaming.

Vestibular problems cause my child to fall.

The vestibular system provides the brain with information about motion, head position, and spatial position. Recurrent ear infections are a common cause of vestibular problems. Vestibular issues can cause falls or problems with balance.

Poor coordination causes my child to fall.

Coordination refers to a child’s ability to move their arms and legs together in an effective way. This often means using both sides of the body together. One of the earliest skills that a child learns is crawling. Crawling is an excellent example of using both arms and legs successfully to move. Other examples include jumping jacks and skipping. Older children are often the ones learning these types of activities. As a result, coordination is a common reason for older children to fall.

Frequent falls can be scary for a parent, of course. Despite our best efforts, they are inevitable. However, if a physical cause is the reason for those falls, physical therapy can help. With this in mind, click here to learn how physical therapy can help answer the question, “Why does my child fall so much?” Or call (406) 388-4988 to set up an evaluation today.