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Cups – More Than Just for Drinking
Every house has cups! If there are children in the home, they are often plastic which are perfect when it comes to cup activities. Here are some fun and simple activities for kids to do with cups. Each activity helps develop a variety of skills. Memory Arrange colored cups in various order / direction (
Visual Perceptual Skills
Curious about visual perceptual skills? Your occupational therapist may use a variety of terms to describe challenges your child may be having with vision. Firstly, it’s important to understand that when discussing vision, the term acuity refers to how well the eyes can see (i.e. whether or not a person needs glasses). Visual perception, however,
visual perceptual skills
Dyslexia and Its Many Faces
Dyslexia is a well-known disorder that is characterized by difficulty with reading and writing. What is not well-known is that there are different types of dyslexia. Thus, children with a diagnosis of dyslexia or specific reading dysfunction may exhibit very different skills and challenges with regards to reading and writing. Griffin and Walton (Dyslexia Determination
What is Praxis?
Praxis, also known as motor planning, is the ability to combine information from the environment and successfully perform actions to completion. Despite this brief definition, the ability to perform praxis is quite involved. Occupational therapists often break praxis abilities down into specific parts. Praxis – Ideation Part one is called ideation, in which we use
Tongue Ties, TOTs, OMT, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree!
It seems everywhere you look, we are a nation obsessed with tongue ties. But why? What is the great debate? Let’s break it down. “The reason we’re hearing about tongue-tie more now is that the last 10 to 11 years have demonstrated that the part of the tongue responsible for suction is the middle of
tongue ties
Posture and Pain at Work
Have you had those days when you have been hunched over at your computer all day for work and start to notice a headache? Or, perhaps you’ve had neck pain that extends between your shoulder blades? Why is having good posture so important? What exactly does this look like? Lower back pain is one of