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Supporting Early Literacy Development
How does early literacy and reading develop? Infants, toddlers, and preschoolers develop oral language and pre-literacy skills on a constant and daily basis. These skills help them learn to become readers. Therefore, it’s important for parents to understand basic reading development and to have the skills for supporting early literacy. General Developmental Milestones for Literacy:
Summer Activities to Fend off Boredom
With summer’s arrival comes advertisements for all the latest fun water and outdoor toys. Many of them are great options to promote development of language, fine and gross motor skills, as well as social interactions and independence. As much fun as it for children to pick the most eye-catching item in the store aisle, making
Exploring the World Through Sensory Play
From infancy through childhood, children learn about their world using their senses or sensory play. They do this by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, moving, and hearing. Even as adults we tend to learn best and retain information when we engage our senses. How many of us have walked into a room to be filled with
Physical Therapy isn’t Just for Pain
Physical therapy isn’t just for pain. It can keep you healthy for life! You know that physical activity is good for you. The benefits are well researched and the list is impressive. Here’s just a sampling: Releases endorphins to make you feel good and fight depression Helps control weight Prevents diseases like stroke, diabetes and some
Summertime S’mores Making!- OT style
Believe it or not, a weekend camping in the mountains has so much to do with occupational therapy skills. Especially when we bring the age old favorite dessert: S’mores! A camping adventure for your kids can provide many opportunities for executive functioning, fine motor, and sensory experiences. Grab your tent, summertime s’mores supplies, sleeping bags,
Feeding Skills
Feeding skills are developmentally acquired through the process of motor learning. This means that children need to practice the skills, and they need comfortable practice opportunities given to them. In this series, we will provide information for the first year of oral motor development and how to support feeding skill development. 3-5 Months Feeding Skills: