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Silence is Golden
This past summer, I took a few days off from the everyday chaos of life. Why, some may ask? It was summer, beautiful outside, and I live in Montana! This year has been anything but ordinary, mainly due to the effects of COVID. Spring break was cancelled and the kids were home schooled starting in
Is it Time to Potty Train?
Is it time to potty train? How do you really know when the right time is? Whether you as a parent are ready to be done with diapers, your child needs to be potty trained for childcare, or you just want to save money, we all have our own reasons for potty training. Whatever your
Speech Therapy Treatment for Adults
When you think about a speech therapist, you might associate them with working with children. However, did you know that speech therapy can also help adults? In this article, I will explain common disorders in adults that are associated with speech therapy. I will also explain the evaluation process. Common Speech Therapy Disorders in Adults
Why Reading Speed is Important
Why is reading speed important? People often assume that students who are slow readers have difficulty remembering the sounds that alphabet symbols make or that they have difficulty sounding out words. While this may appear logical, it is not always true.  There are students who have these skills but continue to be slow readers. They
How to Potty Train
Now that it has been determined that your child(ren) is ready to begin potty training, we now need to talk about HOW to potty train and be successful! Potty training is a huge step for your child and for you. The secret to success is: PATIENCE and TIMING! Potty training success hinges on physical, developmental,
You Need a PT to Coordinate Your Fitness Regimen
Physical therapists aren’t just for people that are injured or have had surgery. Physical therapists can also help healthy people improve their fitness. Here are 5 reasons why you need a PT to coordinate your fitness routine. You Want a Baseline When you see a physical therapist to improve your fitness, you’ll get an assessment