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Should I Ice My Injuries?
You have probably heard of RICE after an injury (Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate). But recent scientific evidence reveals that icing injuries is actually outdated advice! And here’s why: ice helps to decrease inflammation, but for healing to occur, our bodies need inflammation. Let’s take a look at how tissue healing works for a little science
Back Pain – Finally Some Good News
Back pain is a huge problem in developed nations worldwide. It has or will affect most of us. But the good news about back pain is that PT can help. The current estimate is that 80% of people will experience back pain at least once. It is the single biggest cause for disability, the third
back pain
What are Gross Motor Skills?
You have probably heard the terms gross motor skills or gross motor milestones. But what do those phrases actually mean? A simple way to think about gross motor skills are to think of them as BIG movements or movement of large parts of the body. More specifically, gross motor skills are skills that involve the
Understanding Toileting Accidents and the Extremes
Childhood bladder and bowel issues are more common than one would think. Understanding toileting accidents can help improve how you approach problems. I remember going through this experience with my own son and wondering what the heck was going on? He was 3 years old, and he would not poop. I knew he was scared.
The Ins and Outs of Infant Reflux
Your baby is crying again, arching their back, and is inconsolable. You try to feed them, and they suck for a minute but then baby pulls away and starts to cry. Baby takes a pacifier for a few moments. You breathe and try to lay them down, just to have baby start fussing again and
Effects of Stroke on Speech and Swallows
What are the effects of stroke on speech and the ability to swallow? We often don’t think about the act of speaking or swallowing. After all, we have been doing so since before we can remember. A stroke changes all of this. A stroke is an injury to the brain that occurs when blood flow