Our Blog
Communication Milestones 30 Months
Communication milestones at 30 months continue to expand. Toddlers begin to show how many words they understand by the way they respond to what adults say to them. They are able to answer questions meaningfully and accurately, and they can follow simple suggestions. Toddlers love being read to and participate during story time by pointing

Science Experiments for Kids
Here are 4 easy science experiments that you can do with your kids at home. They use (mostly) common ingredients that you already have on hand. Allowing your kids to play and get messy will activate their sensory system. Additionally, if you are interested in more ideas, Learning Resources has hundreds of free activities you

Fitness With a Side of Dysfunction?
Wow! A lot has changed since I first started writing this article about fitness. COVID 19 is changing all of our lives. People are working from home. Schools are closed. We are all trying to maintain our social distance. We talk a lot about taking care of our kids in this newsletter. But, we also

Crossing Midline
You might hear your occupational therapist frequently referring to the term “crossing midline”. Crossing midline is a vital skill for proficiency in fine motor and gross motor skills. Imagine a vertical line cutting your body in right and left halves. Therefore, your ability to reach across that line refers to the term “crossing midline”. This

What Is Early Intervention? Why Is It Important?
Early intervention (EI) is a general term used to describe services that are offered to support babies and young children with disabilities or developmental delay, usually from birth to 3 years of age. Often, early intervention includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Why Is Early Intervention Important? There are a ton of skills

Ideas To Keep Your Kids Busy While Schools Are Closed
Not everyone is prepared to be at home with our kids instead of sending them to school. Do you need something to keep your kids busy while school is closed? Here are some ideas, including some ideas that are NOT screen time. We will add to the list as we get more. Stay safe, be