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Hiking and Ankle Health
It’s time to get ready for the trails again! Have you ever taken a step while hiking and suddenly felt your ankle roll? Maybe it was enough to cause injury, which puts you at risk for doing this again. Changes in terrain and uneven ground results in increased challenge to our ankles. But there are
Development of Pencil Grasp: A Guide for Parents
As parents, we often marvel at the rapid growth and development of our little ones. From their first steps to their first words, each milestone brings a sense of pride and joy. One important yet often overlooked aspect of a child’s development is their pencil grasp. The way a child holds a pencil can impact
Benefits of Gardening
Living in Montana, spring is always a welcomed sight. Seeing those buds on trees and new life coming up through the last remains of a spring snow tends to rejuvenate us. For many, spring represents a new start, blended with color and aroma. Springtime is eagerly anticipated if you like to garden. While this post
Benefits of Being Outside
Being outside offers numerous benefits for children, not only to have fun, but ones crucial for their physical, cognitive, and social development. Engaging children in the outside world opens a unique and stimulating environment for them to explore, grow, and learn. There is an endless number of activities to provide your children to help them
Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition, limiting your mobility and impacting your daily life. The CDC estimates that around 50 million Americans experience chronic pain, and 17 million have substantial reductions in activity because of pain. Beyond limiting activity or your ability to work, chronic pain has been linked to depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and
Kids and Heel pain
My heel hurts! Kids reporting heel pain may become more common as we change from winter boots and shoes that support the foot and ankle to flip flops and slip on shoes that allow for more movement at the foot and ankle. Children have a growth plate at their heel that can become inflamed and