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Decisions about Screen Time
Children and Screen Time With all of the technology advances being made it can be challenging to make decisions about how much time your child spends in front of a screen. Watching TV, playing video games, playing on the computer, or even using an iPhone are all considered screen time activities. Are you concerned about
Preventing ACL Injuries in Girls
You hear it all the time. Another girl tore her ACL. It’s becoming an epidemic. But what is an ACL? Why do girls have 2-8 times higher ACL rupture rates?2 Most importantly, can we do anything to lower their risk? What is an ACL? The ACL, (anterior cruciate ligament) is a band of connective tissue
Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
The challenges of getting a child to eat can sometimes be daunting. It may simply be due to pure stubbornness, or a symptom of a feeding or swallowing disorder. Pediatric feeding disorders include difficulty moving food to the mouth and getting ready to suck, chew, or swallow the food. Children with feeding or swallowing problems
Back to a Pre-Baby Body: 5 Essential Tips from a PT
While moderate weight gain is a common concern for women during and after pregnancy, there are many other factors to consider in the 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth. You may want to get back into pre-pregnancy shape immediately, but it is important to make a slow return to full activity. Here are some tips on
Workstation Ergonomics
Pain and Your Workplace Physical therapists treat many patients each year for neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, and wrist/forearm pain. Many times it is related to overuse of muscles in the same positions (repetitive use injuries). Moreover, it can be due to the setup of a person’s workspace. The Occupational Safety and Health
Potty Training
Before your child is even ready to use the toilet, you can “start” potty training. Let your child watch you use the toilet. Although the bathroom may be your sanctuary, the one spot you get 2 minutes of peace, letting your child watch you go and verbally explaining what’s happening is incredibly helpful. Be explicit