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Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
The challenges of getting a child to eat can sometimes be daunting. It may simply be due to pure stubbornness, or a symptom of a feeding or swallowing disorder. Pediatric feeding disorders include difficulty moving food to the mouth and getting ready to suck, chew, or swallow the food. Children with feeding or swallowing problems
Early Language and Literacy
The development of early language and literacy (reading and writing) begins in the first 3 years of life. A child’s interaction with adults as well as with books, paper and pencils/crayons provides the groundwork for development of language, reading, and writing. Learning these skills is an ongoing process that develops through social experiences. This process

Concussion: Why Seeing A Speech Pathologist After May Be Beneficial For Your Child
What is a Concussion? A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). This occurs when the brain is damaged suddenly by an external force. A TBI can result from the skull being penetrated or pierced by an object. Likewise, it could also occur when the head is forcefully struck by or hits an object. The severity

Potty Training
Before your child is even ready to use the toilet, you can “start” potty training. Let your child watch you use the toilet. Although the bathroom may be your sanctuary, the one spot you get 2 minutes of peace, letting your child watch you go and verbally explaining what’s happening is incredibly helpful. Be explicit

Topics in Women’s Health – Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is a common complaint in women. It is also easily treatable, most of the time. Numerous studies show that incontinence issues affect up to 25% of American women. Amanda Blaz, DPT urges women who suffer from this widespread disorder to consider a non-invasive examination. Following examination, physical therapy treatment may be recommended. The
Topics in Physical Therapy — Osteoporosis
What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become more fragile and are therefore, more likely to break. In people with low bone density, more bone is removed than replaced. Consequently, these people are at increased risk for developing osteoporosis and fractures. Fractures occur most in the hip, back (spine), and wrist.1 Moreover,