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What is Babywearing? Babywearing is the practice of keeping your baby close to you while utilizing one of the many baby carriers that are available to buy. There are many benefits to babywearing including bonding with family and caregivers, ease of skin-to-skin contact (which can aid in breastfeeding), good alignment of developing joints, it keeps
Tongue Thrust and Speech Development
Tongue thrust is a swallowing pattern in which the tongue pushes against or between the teeth.  Accordingly, this type of swallow  pattern is also referred to as oral myofunctional disorder or infantile swallow pattern. The most visible characteristic is tongue protrusion during the swallow and at rest. There are other muscles that function incorrectly but
Is Your Child Ready For School?
Are you wondering why we are talking about school readiness when it feels like school just started? Do you have a child who will be starting kindergarten next fall?  Or have a child in kindergarten? Now is the time to start working on skills that your child will be expected to already have when kindergarten
“What’s Going On In There?”  Oral Motor Skill Development
When Oral Motor Skills Develop Did you know a baby’s basic oral motor skills develop in the third month of pregnancy? These skills include sucking and swallowing.  Development of these skills will help a baby move from liquids (milk or formula) to solid food.  Additionally, speech development requires oral motor movements of the jaw, lips,
Gross Motor Milestone Series: Walking
Prior to walking, your child should be able to pull to stand and lower to the floor independently without falling. He or she should be able to pick toys up off the floor and return to stand while holding onto a support surface and continue playing in supported standing indefinitely. Again, in order to move,
Gross Motor Milestone Series: Standing
Standing is a general term for a skill that encompasses many gross motor milestones. Today we will look at lower extremity weight bearing, standing at a support surface, pull to stand, and lower from stand. Standing activities demonstrate leg and trunk stability, which are necessary for and indicative of a child’s readiness to walk. Free